ESIA – Environmental & Social Impact Assessment
Envision Consulting Co. Ltd is a Tanzanian Company Registered by Business Registration and Licensing Company (BRELA) with registration number 81977. One amongst services we offer is Environmental and Social Impacts Assessment and Environmental Auditing, the company is registered by National Environmental Management Council (NEMC) in Tanzania bearing registration no. NEMC/EIA/0041 as an Environmental Firm and NEMC/EA/ 0027 that under the law can provide consultancy services on issues pertaining to Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Environmental Audit in Tanzania.
The Company has highly qualified and experienced experts in Environment and related fields. We conduct ESIA study as per the directives of National Environment Management Council (NEMC). The ESIA study is complying as per the National Environment Policy (NEP, 1997), Environment Management Act (EMA,2004), Environment Management Regulation 2007 and Environmental Impact assessment and Audit Regulations 2005. Further, the Land Act, Forest Act, Mining Acts and other legislation and regulations of Tanzania and we adhere to.

1Prepare the project briefs and completing the registration form/ESIA Certificate Application. The content of the project brief should be as directed in the EIA and Audit Regulations 2005.
Preparation of Scoping Report and Terms of Reference (TORs) for conducting the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and submission to NEMC for review and approval before the commencement of the ESIA study.
Conduct ESIA study according to the approved TOR and adhere to the Environments Management Act Cap191 and Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit Regulations 2005.
Submission of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) also called Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report to NEMC for review and facilitate the review process.
Make corrections and improvements of draft EIS according to the comments and recommendations raised by the TAC
6 Submission of the improved final version of the EIS to NEMC for final scrutiny and preparation of recommendation to the Minister for EIS Certificate issuance consideration.
7Obtain EIS/EIA certificate from NEMC.
Environmental Monitoring and Auditing.
Provide Stakeholders with a general understanding of a specific project and the potential impact associated with the operation phases.